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Tindog E-Commerece website

Kumudhaart's github profile

Tindog website is a E-Commerce Website for dog lovers.Tinndog website is user freindly and responsive

Multi Stack Games

srujana-16's github profile

This repository contains games built using different tech stacks: web development with html, css, and javascript, and terminal games in Python.

Followers Animation

mohitparmar1's github profile

its animation that shows followers are increasing

To-do list

abrehan2's github profile

The project is a to-do list that lists your submitted tasks and allows you to delete them once the tasks are completed


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

NewsHash is simple,fast,userfriendly website to fetch updated news from verious domain such as Entertainment,Spots,Technology etc...

Is Your Birthday Lucky

Gurnav224's github profile

An App build with html css and javascript. that calculate your Birthday is Lucky or Not

Portfolio site

vaibhav-xt's github profile

A portfolio project showcases an individual's or a professional's work, skills, and accomplishments in a concise and visually appealing manner to demonstrate their expertise and attract potential opportunities.


anamika7153's github profile

ProjektHouse is a Web Application for managing final year team data and associated project files. The application enables teams to create an account, log in, and manage their project details and files.

QR Code Generator

Vidip-Ghosh's github profile

An application which is able to generate a QR code of every website. URL of the website is provided as an input and its able to generate corresponding QR code for that website.

Advice Generator

swarajzz's github profile

The goal of the application is to provide users with random pieces of advice to help them make better decisions in their personal and professional lives